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At Free Debt Recovery UK a service provided by ComPay UK we are committed to working with you or your business in recovering those outstanding debts or debt. Your pay no commissions, no upfront fees or even have expensive solicitors bills. No matter how small or large your debt is or the size of your business or organisation. The Free Debt Recovery Service is open to all creditors to use, and as many times as you wish.
7 Day Letters Before Action
Every business, creditor or debtor knows that when they receive a letter from a debt recovery company or solicitor it’s time to pay up. The problem for creditors is letters sent by them are just ignored and the cost of employing a debt recovery company, who in many cases will want to take an upfront fee, charge you high commission rates or use expensive solicitors.
The answer to those unwanted costs and effect debt recovery is to use our free, 7 day letter before action provided by ComPay UK which is effectively the first stage of formal legal Proceedings and will in most cases be sufficient in persuading your debtor(s) to pay any amounts outstanding without the need for you to pay those recovery commissions, high upfront fees or expensive solicitors bill.  
The 7 day letter before action service is completely free to use and as many times as you like, which gives you the creditor the ability to chase debts effectively without incurring any costly charges. It easy to use and only takes a few minutes to set up.

Call us now on 01249 476244 or for more information visit our web site Here
You do not need to be a member to use this service,you would however be most welcome to join as an associate member, it's Free